If you've already created a funnel in ClickFunnels, you can import into MyPipeline to save time. Follow these steps to learn how to import a funnel from ClickFunnels.
Step 1: Grabbing the Link from ClickFunnels
Navigate to your ClickFunnels account and grab the funnel URL you wish to import.
Copy the link (be sure it’s the https:// version)
Step 2: Import the Funnel
Navigate to Funnels, and click into the funnel you wish to update.
Click “Add New Step” and in the popup window, name it whatever you’d like.
Then, in the 3rd field, paste the entire funnel link from the ClickFunnels funnel you want to import.
Grab the path from that URL and paste it into the path field.
Click “Create Funnel Step”.
Allow a moment for the import to complete. After it loads, you can see what’s been imported, and make any changes within the builder.
Be sure to save to confirm your changes/updates!
NOTE: You must use https:// as the URL when importing. Using just http:// will produce an error.
Last updated